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Growing Belushi Season 3 Release Date: When Will It Be Released?

Growing Belushi Season 3 Release Date: What happened to Growing Belushi? Did they cancel it or pick it up for a third season? At what time does it premiere on Discovery?

There’s been a lot of speculation about whether or not there will be a season 3 now that season 2 has concluded. For your convenience, we have compiled all of the information we have thus far regarding the upcoming season into this article.

Growing Belushi Season 3

This style of edutainment is both entertaining and educational. The film GROWING BELUSHI is an intimate look at Jim’s quest for self-awareness and the tremendous effort required to construct and maintain a legal medicinal cannabis farm with the hope of aiding others on their own journeys to healing and success.

Their particular proprietary strains were lost last season (blame Jim!) and they are now faced with the difficulty of farming in all its forms (weather, mold, pests).

It’s a group effort to get things back on track and succeed in the cutthroat cannabis industry, with support from people like Dan Aykroyd, Larry Joe Campbell, Guy Fieri, and Chris’s cousin.

Growing Belushi Season 3 Release Date

Naturally, there are many new experiences, such as when Chris’s cousin builds and operates a one-table restaurant on the farm called the Engjell Café, adding a new source of tension and comic relief when he cooks using cannabis.

Jim likes to joke that the Engjell Café is the most exclusive eatery in southern Oregon because it only has one table and offers free food despite its high demand and limited availability. The only drawback is that the owner is a real pain in the rear.

Nothing can stand in Jim Belushi’s way! After turning his hobby into a thriving enterprise, Jim and his crew of farmers are on a quest to rebrand and rebuild their cannabis farm as a premium high-end enterprise catering to the masses.


Modern technology, cultivation methods, new equipment, and new facilities are being introduced to Belushi’s Farm in an effort to keep up with rising national demand. Spring is a time of renewal and expansion, and we anticipate great things from Belushi’s Farm this year.


Growing Belushi Season 3 Release Date

Growing Belushi’s third season renewal on Discovery has not been announced. There is no word yet on when we may expect to see Season 3 of Growing Belushi. The TV show Growing Belushi is a reality program. Jim Belushi plays the lead role in the show.

Growing Belushi Season 3 Release Date


The premiere of Growing Belushi on Discovery Networks took place on August 19, 2020. There have been two seasons so far. The current IMDb rating for the series is 6.1 out of 10 based on 284 user scores.

Where To Watch Growing Belushi Season 3?

Watch Growing Up with Belushi on Discovery+ Oregon is the site of actor Jim Belushi’s startup cannabis enterprise. The first month of service is on the house for new customers.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is There a Script for Growing Belushi?

In Belushi’s words, “the Discovery audience will find a wealth of information and education” in the show. Belushi claims, “everything that happens on the show has happened,” referring to the show’s comedic scenes. Both live-action and recreation are used. Nothing is scripted, it’s completely spontaneous.

Who is Captain Jack on Growing Belushi?

Captain Jack Murtha, a cannabis industry pioneer, spent over four decades refining his eponymous strain, which is descended from Gulzar Afghanica and which he first encountered in the valley of the Kush Mountains in Afghanistan during the scorching summer of 1971.


Growing Belushi Season 3 is an intimate look at Jim’s quest for self-awareness and the difficulty of farming in the cannabis industry, with support from Dan Aykroyd, Larry Joe Campbell, Guy Fieri, and Chris’s cousin.

Growing Belushi is a reality program starring Jim Belushi and his crew of farmers rebranding their cannabis farm as a premium high-end enterprise catering to the masses, with modern technology, cultivation methods, new equipment, and new facilities.

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