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Who is Anne Heche: What is the Anne Heche Autopsy Result?

The final autopsy report on Anne Heche, who died in a car crash on August 5 in California, found that she was not impaired at the time of the crash, despite having traces of cocaine in her system.

According to Sarah Ardalani, a spokesperson for the Los Angeles County Coroner, “there was no evidence of impairment by illicit substances at the time of the crash.”

Who is Anne Heche?

Heche, 53, was seriously hurt when she crashed her blue Mini Cooper into a Mar Vista residence, starting a massive fire. The subsequent brain swelling led to her death from what doctors termed “severe anoxic brain damage.” Her death was officially acknowledged on August 11, and her life support was turned off the next day.

It took the fire department over 30 minutes to reach Heche and free her from the burning car. It was reported on Tuesday that Heche had first-degree burns over almost 40% of her body, according to the autopsy report.

The report from the coroner states that Heche had no traces of alcohol in his system at the time of the accident. However, benzoylecgonine, the major metabolite in cocaine, was found in the actor’s blood in extremely low concentrations.



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: 400;”>As a result, Heche had used cocaine in the past, but not right before the accident.

A toxicology study found fentanyl in Heche’s system, but it was “obtained after she got treatment at the hospital and is consistent with therapeutic use.”

Although cannabis was “not detected in the admission blood and is consistent with prior usage, but not at the time of the injury,” the report stated that it was found in a urine sample from Heche.


A short time after Heche’s life support was turned off, the coroner determined that her death was accidental.

The renter of the Mar Vista home where Heche’s automobile crashed has filed a $2 million lawsuit against the actor’s estate. The woman and her pets walked away from the crash unscathed, but she lost her home and most of her belongings.

Anne Heche Autopsy Result

Anne Heche’s death was initially attributed to thermal injuries and inhalation, but the Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner later revealed that the autopsy report found no evidence of illegal substances at the time of her death.

The toxicology report indicated drug use in the past because of the presence of benzoylecgonine, which has an inactive cocaine content. Furthermore, Cannabinoids were detected in Heche’s urine sample, but not in her blood. But the test may only have revealed Anne Heche’s body’s history of marijuana use.

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It was later determined that the fentanyl in her system was the same narcotic that had been administered into her body at the hospital following the accident. Therefore, Heche did not have any traces of alcohol in her system.

Following the discovery of narcotics in Anne Heche’s blood, an investigation was launched. However, once again, medical intervention was the cause.

Was She High at the Time of the Accident?

Anne Heche, according to one witness, was trapped in her flaming blue Mini Cooper. According to Manpearl, he was convinced by the scene that the woman inside the car was dead, so he wasn’t expecting her to get out of the flaming car alive. He added that he was helpless to save her as she burned to death in the car before the fire department arrived.

A 58-year-old neighbor named Manpearl saw Heche’s car coming down a narrow road at an unsafe rate of speed. The speed of the automobile was also captured on a security camera from a nearby house.

According to the authorities, Anne Heche crashed into a building and then drove off after being urged to exit her vehicle by onlookers. After that, she kept going full speed ahead and crashed into a second house.

A threefold increase in speed had Manpearl wondering if something was amiss with the car or with her. No evidence of swerving or braking was discovered by police. Manpearl arrived at the scene mere seconds later to find the car he had seen had crashed through the front of a house and was now located some fifty feet inside.

Manpearl was unable to save Heche, but he did assist a local resident and her two pets who were lost in the rubble. Manpearl had a hard time pinpointing the vehicle’s operator at first.

There was so much carnage that he couldn’t tell if it was a guy or a woman. There was a time when Anne Heche needed his assistance, but he was unable to provide it. Since the fire had already destroyed over half of the vehicle, it was extremely unlikely that anyone but a trained professional would be able to save anyone from the blaze.

The homeowner claims that she and her cats had just exited the living room before the actress drove her Mini Cooper into her home.

The coroner concluded that she died from a lack of oxygen due to a fractured sternum. The harm was caused by prolonged exposure to the toxic fumes inside the closed car. On August 11 after she had fallen into a coma from the severity of her injuries, she was officially declared brain dead.

In order to give the OneLegacy Foundation more time to find a suitable organ donor, Heche was maintained on a life-support system. On August 14th, however, the foundation decided to turn off the machine and stop trying to help Heche.

A legal conflict has been raging over her fortune since antiquity. Heche’s crash caused significant damage to the home of the owner, Lynne Michele. She has been seeking $2,000,000 in damages for intentional infliction of mental distress, negligent conduct, and trespass.

Does she die

Anne Heche’s tragic death happened in August of last year when her car drove into a building and then into a house, causing the car to catch fire. Anne Heche was trapped in the burning car for half an hour before being rescued.

Her upper body was also badly burned; her face, neck, arms, and shoulders were all affected. David Manpearl, the first responder, allegedly tried to enter the building through the rear door and save her, but the fire quickly spread and prevented this. Her brain had also shown signs of hypoxia damage in addition to the ones already stated.

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