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Who Is Maria Menounos Married To?

Let us find out Who does Maria Menounos have a husband? Maria Menounos is known for having many talents, and this is one of the things that her fans like best about her.

She has hosted TV shows and been a reporter on well-known shows like Access Hollywood. Maria is also involved in professional wrestling and has her own podcast. She has put her TV network, AfterBuzz, on the air.

Maria met Keven about 25 years ago, and they’ve been together as a couple since 1998. They went out on dates for twenty years before they decided to get married. They have been together for 25 years and are happy with their lives.

Maria has been in the news again since she and her husband, Keven Undergaro, announced that they were having their first child. Fans are now very eager to find out who he is. Read the whole article to find out Who Is Married To Maria Menounos?

Who Is Maria Menounos Married To?

Maria Menounos is married to Keven Undergaro. They are one of the cutest couples in Hollywood and seem to be very happy together. Just like Maria, Keven is skilled in more than one area.

He can direct, write, produce, and co-create AfterBuzz TV, among other things. The TV network is owned by the couple, and it has made more than 500 shows so far.

Keven is a successful executive producer who has made a lot of popular shows. The best decision he ever made was starting AfterBuzz TV, an online broadcast network.

It makes TV shows with a wide range of topics, such as interviews, debates, and summaries from experts.

Keven Undergaro is a history graduate. After he finished college, he decided he wanted to change careers and go into the entertainment business. He started writing in Hollywood and then went on to produce shows.

Keven has written for movies like Guilty Movie Pleasures, In the Land of Merry Misfits, and Longtime Listener. He was in a movie called “The Holiday Fix-Up” to try his hand at acting and show how good he was at it. He played the part of Nick in the movie. The movie came out in 2021.

Keven faced his own problems as he tried to get his career off the ground. He made a movie on his own, but it didn’t do well and cost him a lot of money. After that, he met Maria, who taught him what Hollywood was looking for.

Keven produced and helped make the popular dance show Dance Battle in the United States. The Tomorrow Show with Keven Undergaro is the name of his ongoing podcast, just like Maria’s.

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How did Maria Menounos and Keven Undergaro Meet?

In 1998, Maria and Keven met while making a movie. Maria was only 19 years old at the time. Maria told reporters from a well-known channel that she fell in love with Keven the first time she saw him on the sets.

Even though it had only been a few days, they both talked about how strongly they felt about each other.

After going out for almost 20 years, they got engaged in 2016. On The Howard Stern Show, Keven asked Maria to marry him. Keven’s action showed how romantic he is and how much he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

People wondered why the couple waited so long to get married. When asked what they thought, they said that they knew they were already married in their hearts.

Maria Menounos and Keven got married in Times Square, and they told the whole world about it by showing it live on Fox New Year’s Eve. The reason it was shown live was so that everyone could take part in the wedding.

They tied the knot twice. They got married again in an Akovos church.

The couple has been married for years, so the birth of their first child is a big deal for both of them. They have tried for years to start a family, but something always went wrong.

IVF treatments were used to try to have a baby in 2012. This didn’t turn out to be helpful. Then, in 2018, they tried surrogacy, but that didn’t work either.

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