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Who is Ferxxo Dating?

Who does Ferxxo go out with? Find out about Ferxxo’s personal life and his current girlfriend. Get the latest news and rumors about his current relationship state.

Who is Ferxxo?

Feid Salomón Villada Hoyos is a singer and songwriter from Colombia. He is known for working with big names in Latin music like J Balvin, Sebastián Yatra, Maluma, and Karol G. He was born in Medellin, Colombia, on August 19, 1992.

Berta Luca Hoyos, Feid’s mother, is a preschool teacher and psychologist. Jorge Mario Villada, Feid’s father, teaches art at a university. Manuela Villada Hoyos, his sister, is learning to be a visual designer.

He learned to play the flute when he was young, but later he chose to focus on singing. He took music classes at the University of Antioquia in Medellin and also took singing classes in college, where he sang in the choir and played at parties and other events.

Who is Ferxxo Dating?

Even though he liked hip-hop and R&B, Feid went into reggaeton because he thought it was more popular with younger people. He says that Drake, T-Pain, and Chris Brown are the musicians who have had the most impact on him.

In addition to his solo work, Feid has helped write famous reggaeton songs like J Balvin’s “Ginza.”

In the past few years, Feid has worked with well-known singers like J Balvin and Sebastián Yatra. He also worked with Mahmood and Sfera Ebbasta, two Italian singers, on the song “Dorado,” which came out on July 10, 2020.

Feid is still on the rise in the Latin music scene, and his catchy and energetic reggaeton songs have won him a lot of fans.

Who is Ferxxo Dating?

Who is Ferxxo Dating?

Feid, a Colombian musician and producer who also goes by the name FERXXO, has talked about the rumors about his relationship with Karol G, with whom he worked on the song “FRIKI.”

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During a press event for his upcoming concert in Mexico, Feid made it clear that he and Karol G are not dating and that their connection is only business. Feid said that he and Karol G are friends and that he loves her, but that’s all there is to it.

Feid’s words were the first time that either of the two had talked about the rumors about their relationship status in public.

Feid seemed to not mind being asked about his love life, but he did hint that he was annoyed by the constant stories that linked him romantically to the women he works with, who he sees as nothing more than friends.

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