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What Happened to Samantha Stobbart?

People want to know what happened to Samantha Stobbart. Scroll down and read this story to find out more about Samantha Stobbart.

Who is Samantha Stobbart?

Samantha Stobbart was a woman whose relationship with Raoul Moat was a rough one. They met for the first time in 2004, when Stobbart was 16 and Moat was 15. There was a lot of fighting in the home, and Stobart left Moat more than once. They were together for six years and had a daughter during that time. But while Moat was in jail, Stobbart started going out with Chris Brown, who taught karate.

Stobbart’s sister says that she told Moat about her relationship with Brown to get him to leave her alone, but all that did was make him want to get back at her. Moat became obsessed with the fact that Stobbart had gone on with someone else, and he blamed the police for ruining his business.

What Happened to Samantha Stobbart?

Samantha Stobbart’s ex-boyfriend, Raoul Moat, beat her up really badly. Moat was a former guard for a nightclub. He had just gotten out of jail in July 2010 when he went after Stobbart and her new boyfriend, Chris Brown. Before the attack, Moat posted on Facebook about how angry and scared he was about losing everything.

What Happened to Samantha Stobbart?

He shot at them, killing Brown and hurting Stobbart very badly. She was in very bad shape when she was taken to the hospital, but after a few days, she got better. Stobbart begged Moat to turn himself in, but Moat kept running away. Stobbart couldn’t go to Brown’s funeral because his family told him not to.

In an interview in 2012, Stobbart said that her daughter was the only thing that helped her get through the tragedy. She had never been to therapy, and she didn’t want to talk about what happened because it made her remember terrible things. The attack showed her how quickly bad things can happen, and it made her afraid of the world.

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Where is Samantha Stobbart Now?

There isn’t a lot of information about where Samantha Stobbart is right now. But it is known that she still feels bad about what happened and is taking care of her daughter. A three-part series called “The Hunt for Raoul Moat,” which is about the killing spree, came out recently.

But Stobbart’s sister, Kelly, has said that she doesn’t like the program because of how it will affect their family. She was upset that Moat’s face was on social media and that she had to read comments about her sister. Kelly and her family think that the thing that happened should be forgotten.


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