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Tik Tok Dating Wrap 2022: What Is It? How to Explain the Viral Trend

There is a brand new entertaining fad called Dating Wrapped that has taken over the pages of TikTok For You, but what exactly is it? An explanation of the trend known as TikTok 2022 Dating Wrapped may be found here.

The year 2022 saw the release of a large number of popular “wrapped” materials, such as PlayStation 2022 Wrap Up and Spotify Wrapped. These materials provided in-depth accounts of the previous year’s music and gaming experiences, or, in the case of new TikTok trends, of the user’s personal life. It all started when people on TikTok started talking in depth about their dating lives for a year, which resulted in the formation of a series of viral TikToks that captivated the pages of TikTok users’ For You accounts.

There are going to be a lot of individuals that come across a lot of these hilarious videos and question what the viral trend comprises of as well as what it is about in general. We have included an explanation of the trend known as TikTok Dating Wrapped 2022 so that you are fully aware of what the viral trend entails and are also able to potentially start your own version of the trend.

What is TikTok Dating Wrap 2022?

The fad known as “TikTok Dating Wrapped” is essentially a rehash of the immensely famous “Spotify Wrapped” format, with the exception that the emphasis this time is on people’s romantic lives throughout the year 2022.

After @amberwavesofbrain tweeted a PowerPoint presentation in which she detailed the success of her relationships, the amount of money she spends on dating, and where she found her romantic partners, the trend rapidly became viral and spread around the internet.

This concept was quickly adopted by a significant number of viewers, which resulted in a proliferation of “Dating Wrap”-style presentations.

Similar posts have also gone viral, and as a result, a lot of TikTok followers have chosen to produce their own PowerPoint presentations in which they outline all of the humorous dating successes and failures they’ve had over the course of the previous year. In point of fact, the popularity of this trend is demonstrated by the fact that the hashtag “datingwrapped” presently has just around 30 million views.

Those individuals who are interested in re-creating the rising trend will have to produce their very own Dating Wrapped PowerPoint presentations and compile their very own sets of data.

TikTok will not generate this trend for you like it did with Spotify Wrapped or with other TikTok trends such as the anime face filter.

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