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Ted Lasso Season 3 Episode 2 Ending Explained: How Did Roy React When Jamie Attempted to Embrace Him?

Ted Lasso Season 3 Episode 2 Ending Explained

Ted Lasso Season 3 Episode 2 Ending Explained: Our Ted Lasso season 3 episode 2 review will make more sense once you’ve learned what a “sour yell” sounds like. Here is the all information about Ted Lasso Season 3 Episode 2 Ending!

Ted Lasso Season 3 Episode 2 Ending Explained

Barbara begins episode 2 of season 3 of Ted Lasso by delivering Keeley notes regarding certain debts and their due dates.

Keeley Suggests a Picnic for the Employees

Keeley suggests a picnic for the employees, but Barbara is not enthusiastic. Keeley tries to say goodbye to her coworkers as she leaves the office but receives no response. Keeley struggles to establish rapport with Barbara and the other employees.

Ted enters Rebecca’s office with a cheerful morning greeting and discovers her, Keeley, and Leslie conversing with Trent Crimm.

This year, the journalist plans to observe the club and publish a book on them. According to Rebecca, it is his call as manager. Ted says yes and welcomes Trent on board, despite her, Keeley, and Leslie vigorously shaking their heads in opposition.

Leslie then learns that the famed soccer player Zava is leaving his Italian team Juventus. Because his wife watched The Office, the world-class striker desires to join the Premier League.

Conversation Between Trent  and Rebecca

They debate whether they should attempt to convince him to join Richmond, ultimately opting to do so. Trent asks Rebecca whether she’s only doing it because she knows Rupert is attempting to sign him to West Ham, and she responds affirmatively. Ted and Keeley catch up outside. Ted recommends that she and her coworkers do something outside together.

What Was Isaac’s Request When He Saw Keeley?

Isaac sees Keeley and asks if he can negotiate a shoe contract, to which she responds that she will investigate. She then meets a few additional football players, including Jamie.

Jamie and Isaac observe while she speaks with Roy. As Roy hands her a bag, Isaac deduces from their body language that their relationship has ended.

When they separate, Jamie approaches them. He appears to be approaching Keeley but is actually approaching Roy. He asks Roy if they split up, and Roy replies that they did.

Roy erroneously believes that Jamie wants to know if it’s acceptable for him to ask Keeley out now, but Jamie argues that he only wanted to know if Roy was okay.

What Did Jamie Try to Do to Roy? How Did Roy React When Jamie Attempted to Embrace Him?

Jamie attempts to embrace Roy, but Roy misunderstands and pulls him away. William, the new equipment manager, observes nervously from the sidelines but agrees not to speak.

Ted inquires about Coach Beard’s perspective on Zava. Beard informs Ted that he is already familiar with Zava and demonstrates the hit YouTube video Vegetable Dog Vigilante to him.

What Happened to Zava?

In the video, a man attempts to rob a store at gunpoint but is headbutted by Zava, who is a customer. At the moment the clock strikes 11.11, they both make a wish.

The boys cause a commotion in the changing room, drawing the coaches out. Ted reveals that Richmond is scouting Zava, and Trent Crimm is writing a book on them while attempting to determine the source of the disagreement. The players announce that Roy and Keeley ended their relationship, causing Beard to shriek in disbelief and Ted to nearly pass out.

Why Did Roy Get Angry?

Roy appears at this time and becomes angry with the audience awws. As he argues that he was the one who ended their relationship, Ted instructs William to retrieve his breakup mix from his residence. When Trent Crimm enters the room, Roy angrily commands everyone to remain silent.

During a film shoot, Keeley encounters her old buddy Shandy Fine. Shandy informs Keeley that everyone is proud of her for succeeding on her own. As the customers request 100 additional people in the video, Shandy suggests using the lighting and camera to create the illusion of a busy scene. Keeley is awestruck.

Rebecca’s mother phones her to inform her that her psychic Tish is contemplating meeting with her. Leslie later enters the room to inform Rebecca that Zava is refusing to meet with them. His colleagues deemed it a waste of time and an embarrassment. He believes that Zava has instead signed for Chelsea.

What Trent Ignored?

Trent Crimm is completely ignored by the entire population of Richmond. But, Ted has compelled him to share an office with Roy. Roy’s desk is loaded with cards and other gifts from well-wishers on the breakup. When Trent attempts to answer the phone, he bursts balloons until the caller leaves.

Keeley introduces Shandy to Barbara as the newest member of the organization. Barbara interrogates her about her experience and education and attacks Keeley for hiring her. Keeley confronts Barbara and accuses her of being impolite.

In her office, she observes Barbara’s collection of snow globes from the various places her office has taken her. She tells Barbara that she believes in Shandy and that perhaps they can all believe in her, just like the office believed in Barbara. Shandy is given the official position of client relations coordinator by Barbara.

Trent Attempts to Communicate With Roy

Trent attempts to communicate with Roy and requests that he give him a chance, but Roy refuses.

As the match against Chelsea begins, the commentators predict that Richmond’s tenure in the Premier League would be brief. Mae and the three lads (Baz, Jeremy, and Paul) prepare to watch the game in the neighborhood tavern.

Rebecca and Keeley settle into the stands while Keeley reads a text from Shandy about bringing mimosas to work. Leslie informs them that he has heard that Zava would likely join Chelsea.

Roy enters the stadium and is greeted by Bruce, a member of the Chelsea security crew, who appears to share his concern at his breakup. As he takes his seat, Chelsea supporters begin singing the Roy Kent song, which grows louder until he rises to address it.

Zava then enters the stands, eliciting more cheers from the audience. Dani informs Jamie on the pitch that he is frightened to play in front of him, but Jamie is unconcerned.

The Match Begins Poorly for Richmond

The match begins poorly for Richmond, as Chelsea scores virtually immediately. At half-time, Leslie sees Rupert meet Zava.

Rebecca states that he always gets what he desires and describes how they met. She was tending bar at his and his wife’s celebration.

The following day, he asked her out, and when she declined, he kept returning, if only to sit and chat. Six weeks later, she said yes because he made her feel fortunate and unique.

Is Jamie Remain Silent When Trent Enters the Room?

Ted informs the squad that they are being too passive. Jamie has an idea but remains silent when Trent enters the room.

Ted pulls Roy aside and reminds him severely that there are more important issues at stake than his ego in this dispute with Trent.

Roy agrees and speaks privately with Trent. He shows him a newspaper item that criticizes Roy’s premier league debut.

It was unnecessarily severe and ruined Roy, who was 17 at the time. Trent confesses he wrote that because he believed he was being edgy and establishing his reputation, but he should not have. They reconcile, and Roy eliminates the restriction on the players speaking in front of Trent. Jamie claims that the Chelsea players are obstructing their passing routes and failing to mark them, giving them an edge.

Leslie’s contacts confirm Zava’s possible transfer to West Ham. Rebecca resolves to attempt to woo Zava personally, but her path is barred by Zava’s security.

Rupert arrives and boasts that Nathan is an excellent boss. Rupert brings out Zava and introduces him to the others. Rebecca reflects upon the fact that Richmond was once Rupert’s greatest passion as he departs, stating that the city was once his greatest passion. He claims that it grew old.

Rebecca runs into the men’s restroom and shouts at Zava for selecting a team like West Ham, which is large, glistening, and the clear favorite to win even without him. She deems him overrated and asserts he wouldn’t have picked it if he truly desired to demonstrate his greatness.

Richmond has a successful second half of the game. Their strategies are effective and earn them a goal off Dani’s face! The score is tied with Chelsea.

What Did Zava Say to Chelsea?

As they depart, the manager of Chelsea introduces Zava as their newest member. He hands Zava the papers and pen to sign in front of the reporters, but Zava claims he has changed his mind.

He is going to join Richmond. Rebecca and the others are stunned yet ecstatic, whilst Rupert is disappointed elsewhere. Jamie is the only member of the squad who is not overjoyed.

Coach Beard leaves the workplace, and Ted and Trent reflect on what a challenging week it has been. Ted inquires of Roy how it felt to return to Chelsea. He stated that it was sad.

He discusses his final season with Chelsea, in which the team performed well but he played poorly and was plagued by this throughout the year.

He left the team rather than wait to be cut. A portion of him now believes he should have waited and enjoyed himself. However, it is not who he is. Ted says not yet.

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