The teasers and setups in the MCU’s end-credits scenes have been a staple of the franchise for years, but Spider-Man: No Way Home refreshingly redefined their immediate significance and approach for future films.
While the MCU did not invent end-credits scenes, the franchise paved the way for nearly all blockbuster films and television series to include a post-credits scene that establishes the story’s future.
Due to the vast number of characters, worlds, and specific objects within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, each post-credits scene in the franchise has become its event, typically teasing future in-universe connections or a surprise twist.
Spider-Man: No Way Home featured two post-credits scenes, both of which had the difficult task of following the poignant ending in which Peter does not keep his promise to MJ and Ned, instead allowing them to live their lives unaware of his existence.
Eddie Brock/Venom, played by Sony’s Eddie Brock, is seen in a bar during the mid-credits scene catching up on MCU news. He is immediately zapped back to his universe, but not before leaving behind a black substance that could infect an MCU character.
The post-credits scene of No Way Home was not a scene at all, but rather the official trailer for the upcoming MCU film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.3
Unsurprisingly, Spider-Man: No Way Home’s post-credits scenes were divisive among fans, as they lacked the MCU’s signature jaw-dropping teasers.
While No Way Home’s post-credits stingers were distinct from those of other Marvel Cinematic Universe films, the film’s novel approach to future and retrospective post-credits scenes may inspire future films in the franchise to follow suit. Spider-Man: No Way Home’s end credits were a welcome deviation from the MCU’s norm, and may even influence the franchise’s future operations.
Spider-Man: No Way Home Makes Far From Home’s Post-Credits Scene More Important
Spider-Man: No Way Home’s reuse of Spider-Man: Far From Home’s mid-credits scene was one of the most significant deviations from the MCU’s typical post-credits legacies. In the climactic scene of Far From Home (2019), Peter and MJ descend into the city, only for Mysterio’s (Jake Gyllenhaal) twist video revealing Peter Parker’s identity to be broadcast on all screens.
Spider-Man: No Way Home opens with this exact scene, with Peter Parker watching the broadcast, avoiding angry crowds, and immediately swinging MJ away. This was uncharted territory for the MCU, as stingers had previously felt like separate entities that would not appear in future projects.
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Instead, No Way Home elevates Far From Home’s post-credits scene to one of the most significant in MCU history. Spider-Man: No Way Home did not explain the occurrences; viewers needed to have seen the post-credits stinger from Spider-Man: Far From Home to understand that the events began not immediately after, but at that moment.
No Way Home’s Credits Scenes Are Different from Most in the MCU
Post-credits scenes in the MCU have always been brief teaser scenes, post-ending gag scenes, or crucial setups for characters within the same film or the greater cinematic universe. Spider-Man: No Way Home deviates significantly from this MCU standard, as neither of its stingers contains a teaser scene for a No Way Home character, MCU character, or significant set-up.
Eddie Brock’s joining the MCU is not technically revealed because the post-credits scene of Venom connects to a completely separate universe of Sony’s Spider-Man films, in which he is zapped back to his own. The only aspect that could be considered a twist is the goo he leaves behind, but depending on when the next MCU Spider-Man story takes place, this may not occur for a very long time.
In No Way Home, the post-credits scene was neither a teaser nor a “scene”; rather, it was a trailer for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
This is the second time the MCU has used a trailer for an upcoming film as an after-credits scene immediately upon release, following Captain America: The First Avenger’s post-credits trailer for The Avengers. Spider-Man: No Way Home’s post-credits scenes deviate from the norm for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but this is not a bad thing.
After a decade of receiving the same type of teasers that frequently overshadow the film’s events, are of poor quality, or fall into the trap of over-exciting fans, this is a welcome change.
No Way Home’s MCU Credits Changes Were Needed for Phase 4
Spider-Man: No Way Home’s stinger approach was precisely what the franchise needed to remedy the lackluster quality of the Phase 4 credits scenes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase 4 has been a repeat offender in this regard.
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Having credit sequences with such high expectations and connections is distracting and usually does the two-hour film a disservice. While there have been numerous exciting, humorous, and ultimately rewarding post-credits scenes, such as the one in Far From Home, others, such as the one in Spider-Man: Homecoming involving the Scorpion, are either of poor quality or end up meaningless if the event they’re setting up takes too long to occur.
Phase 4 has frequently been responsible for low-quality post-credits sequences that repeat the norm or stingers that overshadow the entire film.
Black Widow started this trend with its Yelena and Valentina credits scene, which felt like a larger event than what transpired in the film. After the release of Eternals, its post-credits scenes featuring Harry Styles’ Eros and Mahershala Ali’s Blade joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) dominated the headlines, while the film itself received much less attention.
Similarly, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings was a phenomenal film, but audiences largely left the theatre talking about Bruce Banner and Carol Danvers’ mid-credits appearance rather than the film’s compelling themes and outstanding cast and crew.
No Way Home thankfully avoids this issue, partially due to the magnitude of its film as an event bringing together Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland’s Spider-Men, and also because its credit scenes take a completely different approach.
This does not inherently make the post-credits scenes in Spider-Man: No Way Home good, as the Venom stinger is of poor quality and the Doctor Strange 2 trailer is hardly a “scene,” but at least they are distinct. After the MCU’s decline since Avengers: Endgame, it’s reassuring to see the most significant Phase 4 film revitalize the franchise’s most important pillar.
Spider-Man: No Way Home was the ideal film to inaugurate the MCU’s post-credits change, as few viewers can reflect on the stingers after the film’s profound emotional conclusion and multiverse nostalgia.
Will Other Phase 4 Movies Copy No Way Home’s After-credits Approach?
As long as the Phase 4 films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe continue to be as good as No Way Home, it appears that the franchise will be able to continue taking risks and deviating from the norm more frequently. The post-credits scenes should not be a bigger talking point than the MCU film, but they should be significant or serve a purpose.
Venom’s stinger in No Way Home, while not particularly good, served a purpose in its connection to alternate Spider-Man universes, possibly even setting up a return of Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man after No Way Home.
The Doctor Strange 2 trailer revealed quickly where Doctor Strange was headed after the events of No Way Home, as well as its connection to the post-credits scene of the MCU’s Phase 4 television show WandaVision. Spider-approach Man’s to the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s post-credits sequence signaled a new direction for the franchise, which is precisely what it needs after the Phase 4 stingers that were arguably hurting the films.
Doctor Strange 2 Took Yet Another Post-Credits Approach
The post-credits scene of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is also a significant departure from what MCU audiences typically anticipate.
Though the first mid-credits scene introduces the sorceress and potential love interest of Dr. Strange, Clea (Charlize Theron), the after-credits scene is played for comedic effect and as a nod to Sam Raimi’s filmmaking style. Bruce Campbell, who frequently appears in Raimi’s films as a cameo, portrays Pizza Poppa as he recovers from Dr. Strange’s self-punching spell.
He breaks the fourth wall, looks directly into the camera, and proclaims, “It’s over!” It makes sense, given that Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is more horror-oriented and Raimi is known for combining horror and camp.
The Doctor Strange 2 post-credits scene is refreshing (if silly) in that it doesn’t tease any additional Phase 4 material and instead provides over-the-top entertainment. Future installments of the MCU could benefit from including sillier, nonsensical post-credits scenes.
While Doctor Strange 2 ultimately deviated from the formula of Spider-Man: No Way Home, Guardians of the Galaxy 3 will likely stick to James Gunn’s typical humorous post-credits gags.
Phase 4 MCU films also have the new option of establishing Disney+ television series, so it’s unlikely that all of their endings will take the unorthodox approach of No Way Home. Spider-Man: No Way Home is also in the unique position of being a Sony film as opposed to a Disney film, which gave it much more freedom to connect to Sony’s Spider-Man universe with less adherence to Disney’s other MCU films.
Spider-Man: No Way Home was better able to reinvent the wheel of MCU post-credits scenes as a half-in, half-out entity, but it still offers hope that Marvel will choose to do something different more often.
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