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Mckenna Grace Discusses Working With Jan Broberg as a Family Friend.

In “A Friend of the Family,” McKenna Grace portrays a younger version of the character Jan Broberg. During this exclusive interview, she discussed how she was cast in the role and how she got along with Jan.

You believe that you are familiar with the Jan Broberg story. Abducted in Plain Sight, a documentary that can be found on Netflix undoubtedly reveals some of the backstory. With this limited series consisting of nine parts, Nick Antosca and his team of writers were given additional time to construct the tale.

When it came to telling the story, the fact that Jan Broberg and her mother, Mary Ann, were willing to collaborate with Nick as producers was really helpful. After all, this is still a traumatic experience from their past that they have to deal with.

In the story, McKenna Grace portrays a younger version of Jan. The part is being played by more than just her alone at this point. Hendrix Yancey, who plays the character, is much younger in this iteration. An exclusive interview was conducted with McKenna, during which she discussed what it was like to have a younger version of Jan Broberg present beside the actual Jan Broberg.

Working With Two Styles in a Friend of the Family

Every performer strives to give their best performance. In most cases, they get the opportunity to develop a character from the very beginning to the very end of the story; but, this was not the case with McKenna. She had to put in the effort to counteract everything that Hendrix was doing. The two were different incarnations of the same person who had only been separated by a few years.

Jan Broberg as a Family Friend

It’s not very frequently that an actor will have to do something like this. Even more uncommon is the opportunity to collaborate with the real-life individual on whom the character is based. Jan Broberg was there for some of the filming, and it turned out that she divulged some of her trade secrets regarding what she would have done at certain points in the production. McKenna shared with us what it was like to collaborate closely with Jan and how they incorporated aspects of Jan’s personality into the character.

But what level of familiarity did she have with the first version of the story? It was discovered that although McKenna had seen the documentary pop up on her Netflix, she had not watched it until after she had been offered the role. After being offered the part on A Friend of the Family, she immediately began doing all in her power to put herself in Jan’s shoes and have a deeper comprehension of the narrative. That probably wasn’t the easiest thing to read!

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