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Who is Kylo Ren’s Father? Star Wars Character Update!

Who is Kylo Ren's Father

Who is Kylo Ren’s Father? The intricacy of Star Wars’ antagonists has increased as the nearly 50-year-old saga has matured. Kylo Ren, like Anakin Skywalker in the prequel trilogy, was a victim of evil before he himself turned evil.

Incapable of escaping the inside suffering, he resorted to fury and hatred. It nearly devastated him, but his parents were able to save him. Who is Kylo Ren’s Father?

Who is Kylo Ren’s Father?

Kylo Ren was the son of Leia Organa and Han Solo. His birth name was Ben Solo. Soon after the end of the Galactic Civil War, his parents had him, and he finally left home to train with his uncle at the new Jedi Academy.

Ben was a member of the Skywalker family (his uncle was Leia’s brother, Luke Skywalker), and he had the potential to become a talented and formidable Jedi. Nonetheless, he was unable to resist the allure of the dark side of the Force and joined the Knights of Ren.

After the destruction of the Jedi Temple, he acquired the name Kylo Ren and did not reconcile with his parents for many years.

Why Did  Kylo Ren kill His Father, Han Solo?

When Kylo left the Jedi, he became Supreme Leader Snoke’s trainee, yet his master never looked happy with his student’s accomplishments.

Kylo Ren saw Han Solo’s arrival at Starkiller Base as the ideal chance to demonstrate to Snoke his dedication to the dark side. He could only demonstrate his loyalty by taking his father’s life.

Kylo regretted his decision, but at the time he was completely consumed by his desire to gain Snoke’s approval. It would take a last meeting with Rey to convince him to return to the light and make him acknowledge the person he had become under Snoke’s influence.

In the Star Wars sequels, despite Ben’s tough connection with his parents, their love for him proved stronger than his loathing for himself. Leia sacrificed herself in The Rise of Skywalker so that her son might “see” his father for the last time.

In the film, Han forgives Ben for the horrific things he has done as Kylo Ren during their conversation. Ben comes to the realization that he has always loved both of his parents and forgives himself.

Kylo Ren had a family, something that Anakin Skywalker never had until the very end. Ben’s return to life was a direct result of his family. Without his parents, he might have been gone for all time.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who Are the Father and Mother of Kylo Ren?

Ren is revealed to be the son of Han and Leia, whose original name was Ben, and to have been one of Luke’s Jedi students.

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How Does Rey Become a Skywalker?

Rey is not linked to the Skywalker family, hence she is not a Skywalker by blood. Luke and Princess Leia appear to Rey as Force ghosts at the conclusion of The Rise of Skywalker, and Rey inherits the surname Skywalker symbolically. Therefore, whether or not you believe Rey to be a Skywalker depends on your perspective.

Is Rey Han Solo’s Daughter?

Some claimed that she was the long-lost offspring of Luke Skywalker or Han Solo, adding her to the family’s bloodline of formidable force users. Instead, The Last Jedi revealed that Rey’s abilities derive solely from herself and not from any genetic heritage.

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Kylo Ren was the son of Leia Organa and Han Solo. He was unable to resist the allure of the dark side of the Force and joined the Knights of Ren. Kylo regretted his decision, but at the time he was consumed by his desire to gain Snoke’s approval.

Kylo Ren had a family, something that Anakin Skywalker never had until the very end. Rey is not linked to the Skywalker family, hence she is not a Skywalker by blood. Luke and Princess Leia appear to Rey as Force ghosts at the conclusion of The Rise of Skywalker.

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