Is Coronavirus More Deadly for Obese People?
Till now we knew that the risk of getting diseases like heart disease, cancer and type-2 diabetes is more in obese people.
But now in early research, it has also been found that obese people may be more at risk of infection of Kovid-19.
Is there any evidence of this?
Although the answer to this question can be confirmed only after several types of studies, experts have tried to find the answer based on these few statistics.
A study conducted in the UK of 17 thousand people showed that people who were obese and had a body-mass index above 30 had a 33 percent higher mortality rate.
A second study found double the death rate among such people. Researchers say that if other factors like heart disease and diabetes are included in this, then this figure becomes more.
The study conducted in the UK ICU admitted that about 34.5 percent of the people recruited there were overweight and 31.5 percent were obese and seven percent were both obese and sick while 26 percent had a normal BMI.
The ratio of body weight and their length is called BMI. With BMI we detect a person being overweight, obese and healthy.
The World Obesity Federation says that of those who are getting coronavirus infection, a large percentage of those people have ‘BMI above 25’. Early studies in the USA, Italy and China have also shown that high BMI is an important factor.
Apart from this, there is a risk of getting seriously ill in corona infection even in older people.
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