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Ezra Miller Was Under the Impression That They Were the Messiah, and That the Flash Was the Jesus of All the Universes.

A new revelation exposes the actor’s terrifying downward spiral over the past two years, with Miller believing they were “the Messiah.” The news comes one month after Ezra Miller announced they would undergo treatment to cope with “complicated mental health concerns.”

According to Vanity Fair, Miller’s mental health problems began to escalate in March 2020 at the beginning of Covid-19. This was when production on their cinematic projects, including the sequel to Fantastic Beasts, came to a sudden end. Miller went to Iceland with “no plan” in mind, and it was there that the actor’s problems first made news after they were caught choking a woman in the capital city of Reykjavik.

According to Vanity Fair, while in Iceland, Miller was accompanied by Jasper Young Bear, a 55-year-old South Dakota medicine man and “spiritual advisor,” who told Miller that the actor was messianic and that “demons” were after him. Miller was reportedly struggling with the aftermath of their parent’s divorce at the time.

Ezra Miller

“[Miller] would talk about the metaverse and the medicine and how they’re the Messiah and what [their] work is here,” a source claimed. “[T]here was a lot of talk about the metaverse and the medicine.” (The quote has been modified by Rolling Stone to reflect Miller’s preference for the pronouns they and them.) “They claim that their spiritual practice is being among the people, which is another way of saying party. Therefore, when they were in Iceland, they did not stop going out. Rave events, during which they would “go on benders for two or three days at a time,” were [their] absolute favorite.

Miller’s problems escalated after he returned to the United States, both in Vermont (where the actor’s farm drew the attention of Vermont’s child services) and Hawaii (where Miller was arrested on charges ranging from disorderly conduct to second-degree assault). In Vermont, the actor’s farm drew the attention of Vermont’s child services; in Hawaii, Miller was arrested on charges ranging from disorderly conduct to second-degree assault.

At Miller’s farm in Vermont, dubbed “the Mountain,” the actor reportedly had an altar comprised of marijuana, sage, bullets, and figurines of the Flash, the DC superhero they portray on the big screen; according to a source, Miller frequently conflated themselves as his big-screen alter ego, “claiming that the Flash is the one who brings the multiverses together just like Jesus.”

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