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Episode 3 of Season 13 of Blue Bloods Features Baez and Her Infant!

The third episode of the thirteenth season of Blue Bloods aired tonight, and it delivered something that a lot of fans had been looking forward to seeing for a while now: more of Maria Baez and her baby.

You may recall that at the conclusion of the final episode of the 12th season, Marisa Ramirez’s character made the decision to adopt the infant after building an unexpected emotional connection with the child. She was forced to make a significant adjustment in her life, but she did it very quickly, and ever since then, she has been making efforts to readjust. Even though it is a position that requires her to be on call 24/7 and she already has a career as a detective, she is figuring out a way to make both of these jobs work for her, and Danny is helping her out along the way.

Episode 3 of Season 13 of Blue Bloods Features Baez and Her Infant!

Episode 3, which was given the title “Ghosted,” gave us the opportunity to investigate certain aspects of this in a manner that we hadn’t done so far in this season. Part of the reason for this was the character of Maggie, which is played by Callie Thorne. After being admitted to the hospital, she was in need of a place to recuperate, and Baez graciously offered her house. Because of this, Maggie was able to spend some quality time with newborn Elena, as evidenced by the picture on the right.

One of the best things about this plot at the moment is that it provides us with the opportunity to genuinely understand more of Maria outside of work. This is something that does not typically happen for characters whose last name is not “Reagan,” so this is a particularly special opportunity. The majority of our interactions with her include her working with Danny, and that is it.

We are confident that this will not be something that occurs in each and every episode, especially considering that it has not been the case thus far in this season. In light of this, we are more than willing to accept any good material the programme chooses to provide, even if it is only a brief scene every so often.

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