Steve Harrington, portrayed by Joe Keery, is the main character in Stranger Things, having been promoted from a recurring part in the first season. Steve’s main cast position in the second season and beyond.
Steve Character Development
During the development of the show, which was originally titled Montauk, Joe Keery described Steve as “more forceful and pushy, and sort of the ’80s stereotypical jock from a John Hughes film.” In the first episode, Steve actually committed sexual assault against Nancy.
Steve was originally slated to die in the season one finale, with Jonathan and Will’s father Lonnie Byers saving Jonathan and Nancy from the Demogorgon.
The character was reworked because the Duffer Brothers believed Keery had a different appearance and personality than how they envisioned Steve, stating that Keery was “extremely likeable and charismatic.”
In the original plan, Nancy and Steve would not reconcile by the end of the series. However, the Duffers decided to give Steve his own arc in which he becomes involved with the wrong crowd and Nancy wins him over.
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During development, Keery and the Duffers discussed “what kind of family life [Steve] comes from” and “perhaps this girl Nancy is quiet and listens in a way that others have not listened to him up to this point.”
Does Steve Die in Stranger Things 4?
Fans may exhale easily since Steve will not die! Prior to the premiere of volume 2 of season 4, many were convinced that the fan-favourite character would perish prematurely.
Does Steve Have a Crush on Robin?
Throughout the season, Steve and Dustin commented on the possibility of a romantic relationship. But in episode seven (‘The Bite’), Robin comes out to Steve after he reveals his feelings for her. He’s interested in her, but she’s only interested in other women. Tammy Thompson, in particular.
Steve’s Costume Design and Style
Costume designer Kimberly Adams referred to Steve as a “prep” and described his style as “Polo shirts, Levi’s, khakis, and Brooks Brothers basics worn with attitude!”
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Tom Cruise’s characters Joel Goodson from Risky Business (1983) and Stefan “Stef” Djordjevic from All the Right Moves influenced Adams’ mood board for the character (1983). In Chapter Five, Steve mentions both films. How Carol said he resembles Tom Cruise, of whom Nancy has a poster in her bedroom.
Steve wears the same Nike shoes worn by Tom Cruise in the film All the Right Moves. Johnny Depp as Glen Lantz in A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). John Sommi’s modelling knitwear in GQ was also included on the mood board. All of the aforementioned men were regarded as athletes and heartthrobs during the 1980s.
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The stylists spent a great deal of time discussing Steve’s appearance, specifically. How they could make him appear “kind of a douche” who “really irritates people.”
In the second and third episodes, they attempted to style Steve’s hair as a joke to see if it would go up. To achieve the desired appearance, they utilised an abundance of shampoos, hairspray, and meticulous grooming.
Who is Steve’s Closest Companion in Stranger Things?
Steve Harrington (Joe Keery) and Robin Buckley (Maya Hawke) might be two of the worst employees a company could have. But they are also two best friends. After scooping ice cream and deciphering Russian spy codes at Scoops Ahoy. The two found employment at a video store (all thanks to Robin).
Who is Steve’s Mysterious Love Interest?
Steve is depicted as being in a relationship with Nancy Wheeler. But after he harasses Jonathan Byers by smashing his camera, Nancy appears to become close to Jonathan. After observing Jonathan and Nancy together, Steve attacks Jonathan but is defeated.